Reduce your business costs IMMEDIATELY and make more PROFIT by recovering the costs associated with acceptance of credit cards!
Whether your customer pays with cash or when your customer presents a credit/debit card for payment, your business gains the full profit originally priced for your products for the success of your business.
The retail pricing of your products and services has built in the typical total fees associated with the acceptance of credit cards (3.0% or less) when a customer purchases $100.00 in goods or services. A Cash Discount fee of $3.00 is displayed on the customer’s receipt when a customer purchases $103.00 in goods. The customer pays $103.00 when using a credit/debit card of choice. No need to do any figuring, the credit card terminal automatically figures the correct amount and prints the correct total on the customer’s receipt.
Signage – the proper required signage for your place of business that keeps customers informed—and keeps you compliant. **